Concrete Scanning
Noninvasive - Nondestructive
Concrete Scan
Concrete scanning is an important part of the process when engineering, cutting or drilling concrete in order to avoid potential conduits, utilities or important reinforcing elements that are located inside. Concrete scanning is a noninvasive, nondestructive process of gathering information on concrete structures. Concrete scanning can be performed on any flat, concrete surface including floors, ceilings and walls.
10 billion tons of concrete are poured every year and within most of those structures are various types of supporting and reinforcing elements as well as in slab utilities, pipes, and sometimes even voids. Whether cutting, drilling, demolishing, or simply gathering information it is crucial to perform a GPR concrete scan when working with concrete structures.
Experts in Concrete Scanning
More than Ground Penetrating Radar
3D Models & Augmented Reality Videos
Locating in Concrete Slabs
EM Passive Scanning & Active EM Utility Locating
Locating Void Spaces in Concrete Slabs
Void Detection
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